About 2 years ago, I got to see James Taylor for the first time at one of his concerts. At that time however, I had known barely any of his songs. Since then, I’ve been through his albums a few times and wanted a second “first” concert.

This takes me to the Hollywood Bowl, the starting location of James’s Taylor new tour and my “first” time seeing him live. Not only did I get to see James Taylor, but I got to see the amazing Hollywood Bowl. Walking into the bowl was a surreal feeling, and made us wonder if Vegas could pull off an outdoor theater like California. We decided definitely not.

View Walking into The Hollywood Bowl

My excitement was hard to contain when he came onto the stage. You could tell by his large amount energy that it was his first show of many upcoming.

From start to finish, it was a great concert. This time, I knew what songs he was playing. It made a big difference. Unlike most artists, he changes his songs slightly while live, surprising the crowd. It gave me a whole new perspective of James Taylor and his music.

James Taylor at The Hollywood Bowl

My Dad planned the whole thing, and I was happy to accompany him at his 23rd James Taylor concert. After only the first few chords would play, he could guess the song about to be preformed.

My Dad and I Watching James Taylor

It was such a cool experience seeing James Taylor in that amazing place. James Taylor and his son, Henry, played You Can Close Your Eyes together and inspired me to want to learn guitar. We’ll see.

James and Henry Taylor

I’m glad I was able to see this amazing event and I hope I can see another one soon. This tour can be your chance as well.

My Evening with James Taylor